During your trip, you (and your children) must carry the travel documents and visas that are legally required in the countries of departure, transit and arrival. Luxair accepts no liability for any consequences if you don’t have the necessary documents and/or visas. There are a lot of legal requirements to be fulfilled as far as travel documents and visas are concerned: if in doubt, contact the embassies or consulates of your transit and destination countries for advice a few weeks before your trip.
See entry requirements for LuxairTours destinations here.
- Children must have their own photo identity card or passport. Please note that the authorities require the parents of Luxembourg minors below the age of 15 to obtain a passport for their children before any foreign travel. The previously issued ID and travel documents are no longer recognised by border authorities in EU and other countries.
- Children are no longer included in parents’ passports. Since the introduction of biometric passports, the passport-issuing authorities have followed the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s recommendations for “One person, one travel document”. It is therefore recommended that parents with children listed on their own passports (issued before this was introduced) should also apply for a passport for each of their children.
See www.iatatravelcentre.com for details of the documents required.
Since 2009, the UK government has strengthened border controls by recording information on passengers arriving in or leaving the UK, using the API (Advanced Passenger Information) system.
If you plan to visit the UK, you must provide the following information before boarding your flight:
- Type of travel document (passport or identity card)
- Full name (as stated on the travel document)
- Gender
- Date of birth
- Nationality
- Travel document number, expiry date, issuing country
- Country of residence
You can provide this information prior to boarding:
- in a travel agency
- when you book online on the www.luxair.lu website
- at online check-in
- at the check-in desks at Luxembourg and London City airports