Dès la saison hivernale prochaine, Luxair invitera ses passagers de la Classe Affaires à destination de Dubaï, à déguster un menu exclusif en plein vol, spécialement développé par le chef Thomas Schanz.
Boeing et Luxair annoncent aujourd'hui que le transporteur régional européen commande à nouveau un membre supplémentaire de la famille 737 MAX pour alimenter sa croissance durable. Un an après avoir acheté les modèles 737-7 et 737-8, Luxair a désormais passé une commande de deux avions 737-10 avec des options pour deux autres. Le 737- 10 est le plus grand modèle de la famille MAX et est l’avion monocouloir qui offre la meilleure rentabilité.
Luxair et lux-Airport souhaitent informer le public sur la panne technologique mondiale en cours qui touche divers secteurs, dont l'industrie aérienne.
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L'Embraer E195-E2 Tech Eagle « Profit Hunter », le même modèle d'avion que Luxair introduira bientôt dans sa flotte, a fait escale au Luxembourg.
Le vol LG4883 en direction de Dublin a fait face à un incident technique pendant le vol.
À compter du 27 octobre 2024, Luxair élargira son offre pour la prochaine saison hivernale en ajoutant les PaysBas à sa liste de pays desservis. Cette nouvelle ligne permettra aux voyageurs Business et loisirs de voler du Luxembourg à la ville dynamique de Rotterdam. La connexion offrira également un accès pratique aux environs, notamment La Haye, la prestigieuse Université de Delft, et les magnifiques plages de Zandvoort et Scheveningen.
Luxair annonce ses mesures proactives pour venir en aide à ses passagers touchés par la fermeture de l'aéroport de Palma de Majorque en raison de conditions météorologiques extrêmes.
En 2023, malgré un environnement économique difficile caractérisé par l’inflation et une hausse significative des taux d’intérêt, le secteur de l’aviation de passagers a poursuivi sa reprise. L'envie de voyager, notamment à des fins de loisirs, a réussi à contrebalancer les défis économiques, permettant à Luxair d'accueillir encore plus de passagers et d'élargir ses offres.
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Le vol LG4541 en direction de Manchester a dû rentrer à l'aéroport de Luxembourg à la suite d’un incident technique.
Le 30 avril 2024, lux-Airport et Luxair, ont célébré un jalon important dans leur histoire commune, l’inauguration du nouvel hangar de Maintenance d’avions de Luxair. La cérémonie officielle s’est tenue en présence de Madame Yuriko Backes, Ministre de la Défense, de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics et de l’Egalité des genres et de la Diversité et de Madame Jacqueline Breuer, Bourgmestre de Sandweiler.
Récemment, des incidents de brouillage GPS ont été signalés dans l'industrie aéronautique, affectant également quelques vols Luxair.
Mise en place d’une collaboration unique entre Luxair et deux marques emblématiques de l’univers féminin et de la mode au Luxembourg, Janette Magazine et vol(t)age, fusionnant ainsi la passion pour la mode et le voyage.
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Le début de l’année, a toujours été le temps fort pour planifier ses futures vacances. C’est la raison pour laquelle, Luxair et LuxairTours lancent leur Festival Vakanz 2024, du 19 au 31 janvier, offrant une multitude de choix à des prix exceptionnels.
Luxair a connu une année 2023 exceptionnelle et franchi une étape historique en transportant pour la première fois plus de 2,5 millions de passagers. Cette réalisation représente une augmentation significative de 22% par rapport aux deux millions de passagers de 2022, et dépasse également les chiffres d'avant la crise sanitaire de 2019, lorsque deux millions de passagers avaient été transportés depuis l'aéroport de Luxembourg.
Luxair launches its very first “Ugly Christmas Sweater” for charitable purposes in support of the Kriibskrank Kanner Foundatioun, thus supporting children with cancer.
ERA (European Regions Airline Association) General Assembly, Innsbruck, Austria, 11 October 2023 – Embraer and Luxair, flag carrier of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, have signed a firm order for four E195-E2; the most efficient regional aircraft in the single aisle segment. The aircraft will complement the larger narrowbody aircraft recently ordered by the airline.
The Luxair flight LG662, from Malaga to Luxembourg, on Thursday, 21 September, had to be diverted to Liège airport.
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Luxair is launching its brand new edition of the Pilot Cadet Program. A project that aims to enable people aspiring to become pilots to realize their dream thanks to training pre-financed by the airline.
Summer 2023 might not be over yet, but that does not stop Luxair from already thinking about strengthening its offer for the next summer season. The airline is announcing its brand new destination starting from April 2024: Manchester, a youthful, dynamic, and cultural city in the north of Great Britain.
Luxair S.A. would like to inform its customers that a security incident, resulting in a breach of personal data, has occurred at an external service provider working for Luxair.
The airports of Milan-Linate, Praia, La Palma and Ljubljana will be added, from the next winter season, to the destinations already served by Luxair. The reinforcement of the offer and the flight schedules meet the needs of regular travellers, amateurs of discovery weekends as well as travellers in search of sun.
Luxair is closely and constantly monitoring the evolution of the wildfires affecting Rhodes and is committed to the safety and support of its valued customers.
Just before the summer holidays, Luxair announces the addition of a 93rd destination to its flight plan – Ljubljana! From 14 September, in barely two hours of flight, from Luxembourg, travellers will be able to fly with Luxair to the capital of Slovenia to discover its irresistible mix of history, culture and natural beauty. This city will enchant and inspire all who venture there.
Luxair and Boeing today announced at the Paris Air Show 2023 that the Luxembourgish airline has selected the 737-7 as it continues its single-aisle growth strategy.
In selecting the 737-7 Luxair will become the European launch customer for the airplane with an agreement to purchase four jets.
Luxair would like to apologise for the flights that the airline has been forced to cancel as well as for the delays caused over this weekend.
In order to better satisfy its valued passengers, Luxair is reinventing its Economy Class menus in partnership, once again, with the École d’Hôtellerie et de Tourisme du Luxembourg (EHTL). Following a first collaboration which led to the elaboration of the new menus for its Business Class in October 2021, Luxair wished to renew its trust in young Luxembourgish talents to democratize excellence and delight the taste buds of its passengers of its Economy Class.
On Sunday 14 May 2023 and following the temporary closure of the runway at Luxembourg airport due to an incident not related to the airline, Luxair had to divert several of its flights to Liege airport and was forced to cancel several of its flights while waiting for the normal traffic to resume.
60 years later: 2022 is the year of recovery and expansion of Luxair
Despite the turbulence caused by the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic in the beginning of the year followed by the increase in energy and fuel prices, 2022 turned out to be a brighter year than 2021, allowing Luxair to welcome more passengers and to expand its destinations’ portfolio.
Following a meeting held on Friday, 28 April 2023, Luxair's Board of Directors has confirmed the purchase of two additional Boeing 737-8.
Following its Board of Directors’ meeting on Friday, 3 March, Luxair is pleased to announce the purchase of two Boeing 737-8 aircraft to be delivered in 2026. Meanwhile, as a bridge solution, Luxair will temporarily lease from Boeing two other 737-8 which will be operated by its own crews, until the delivery of new aircraft.
This 06 November 2022 marks the 20th anniversary of the accident of flight LG9642, which occurred on 06 November 2002, in Niederanven.
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The cooperation between Luxair and German Airways will be extended and further expanded next summer: Both partners have now signed an extension agreement until November 2023.
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On the occasion of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Luxair dresses up in pink and shows its support to this cause by joining forces with Luxembourg artist Lisa Junius and the Think Pink charity organisation, which supports women with breast cancer in Luxembourg.
Le 22 septembre, le Conseil d’administration de Luxair, en préparation de la tripartite aviation de lundi 26 septembre 2022, s’est entretenu au sujet des discussions menées sur la place publique au cours des dernières semaines
Renaissance, future, tradition ... so many illustrations tell the story of Luxair' on its new special livery. Drawn by the Luxembourgish artist Marco Weiten, this mix of colors represents the indisputable Luxembourgish symbol Roude Léiw which rises from its ashes like a phoenix, to celebrate the 60 years of Luxair.
2021 proved to be yet another turbulent year for the airline, but this did not prevent Luxair from continuing to move forward and fly even more and to new destinations.
On 31 March 1962 Luxair took off for the first time and carried its very first passengers on board to Paris.
Luxair is partnering with Esch2022 and the Luxembourgish artist Lynn Cosyn to celebrate the European capital of culture in 2022.
In reference to the Pride month, Luxair and the association Rosa Lëtzebuerg join their voices to convey a message of inclusiveness across Europe.
2020, a turbulent year for the entire aviation industry, but that did not deter Luxair from flying and reinventing itself.
In reference to the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November 2020, Luxair joins the movement initiated by the United Nations World Organization and dresses its identity up in orange. The objective? #OrangeTheWorld.
Luxair s'associe à Sumo pour la deuxième fois et présente le De Havilland Q400 aux couleurs de l'artiste.
Luxair is joining forces with the formidable Luxembourgish artist Sumo to celebrate the art of travel.
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