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Scoprite di più su Sao Vicente, Capo Verde con i nostri suggerimenti e pianificate il vostro viaggio con le nostre guide di viaggio per renderlo ancora più emozionante e memorabile.

Luxair offre un volo di andata e ritorno diretto dal Lussemburgo verso le più belle destinazioni a prezzi vantaggiosi.


Informazioni importanti: A causa dei limiti di peso dei nostri aeromobili, non è possibile acquistare bagagli extra sui voli da/per São Vicente.


Prenotate subito il vostro volo!

Sao Vicente

Easy-going atmosphere, endless sunshine and unspoilt landscape


Off the coast of Senegal, the archipelago of Cape Verde, where the famous singer Cesaria Evora grew up, is made up of some fifteen islands, each of which offers wild and contrasting landscapes made up of dunes, volcanic landscapes, lush valleys and immaculate beaches which are particularly appreciated as they offer perfect conditions for kitesurfing, windsurfing, diving and many other water sports. From a cultural point of view, the destination is steeped in Portuguese traditions reflecting its history, but it is also marked by influences linked to its location at the crossroads of three continents. Cape Verde will fascinate you with its colours, its warm atmosphere and its gentle way of life.

Saõ Vicente


São Vicente is particularly known for its colorful culture, represented during the Creole carnival, but also during the music festival of Baia das Gatas. It is particularly evident in Mindelo, the largest city on the island, which is considered the cultural center of Cape Verde. The picturesque port city with its African influences is punctuated by the inimitable sounds of the Cape Verdean guitar. But this is not its only asset, the island also has a varied landscape and an incredible environment. If you are brave enough to climb the imposing reddish-brown Monte Verde, which remains the highest point of the island with its 750 m of altitude, you will be rewarded with a breathtaking panorama. São Vicente also offers several choices of destinations for your vacation. The village of São Pedro, located in the southwest of the island, has a beautiful beach offering ideal conditions for the practice of water sports such as sailing or surfing, but also for diving and deep-sea fishing. For a family vacation, Baía das Gatas (Cat's Cove) is the best option, because of its good location on the east coast of the island, but also because of its calm and crystal clear waters, sheltered from the winds.



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